Thursday, February 28, 2008

Apple TV and the BBC. Big push immanent?

I've seen a bunch of links of how to add streaming radio stations to the Apple TV Take 2. Here's one with some very straight forward instructions.

Sounds cool but I'd like a way to stream other audio sources, like Real Player. While I dislike Real content mostly, no, pretty much entirely because of the desktop player, I'm dependant on it since that is the primary format for listening to BBC radio content. The BBC now have audio podcasts of a lot of their popular shows but the bulk of their content are only available using Real. With all the openness and innovation at the BBC, what with their new AJAX customizable home page and interactive programming I'd like to see more, dare I say contemporary options to consume their content. The BBC has always been very technology forward. How many other TV stations designed, manufactured and retailed their own personal computer?

On a related topic I did see that the BBC was in talks to distribute shows on iTunes like a lot of other major networks. They are also in talks to distribute legal, paid downloads over Bittorrent via corporate face of Azerues, Zeudo. Hopefully we won't see the international restrictions on viewing and buying this content as we did with the BBC desktop client iPlayer. It's annoying to visit a BBC site and not be able to see promotional trailers of a TV show simply because you don't have a UK IP address. The BBC did trial the idea of video podcasts and hopefully this will be a way that they can fill out their selection of shows.

Is the Apple TV even available in the UK yet? Hopefully it doesn't debut with the same lack luster performance as the iPhone.

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